

Dismissal begins at 3:05 p.m. (2:05 p.m. Wednesdays).


CAR RIDERS: All car riders MUST come through the main entrance located off of West Lake Mary Blvd.

VPK car tags will stay to the right throughout the snake. All other cars, including those of ESE classroom students must stay in the left lane for the length of the snake.

VPK and ESE students will be released at 3:00 PM at the car rider dismissal area. Thanks for letting these cars be first in line.

All other cars will be released to move forward and merge to the left on approach to the drop off/pick up area to be able to load on the passenger side of the vehicle. Please watch for staff to direct you. Students enter and exit vehicles on the passenger side only. This is for your child's safety. Please arrange this seating now. Parents should not get out of their cars at any time during the arrival or dismissal process.

CAR TAGS: Parents are issued a new car tag each year. Please use the current year's tag for safety reasons. The tag must be visible to staff until you leave our parking lot. Parents WITHOUT CURRENT YEAR'S TAG will be asked to check their child out in the front office.

Safety reasons

Changing Dismissal

If you need to change your child's regular dismissal procedure, please call the school's main phone number at 407-320-5650; please be prepared to provide your child's security code. Additionally, a note or email to your child's teacher regarding dismissal changes is appreciated. Many times students are confused about how they are going home because of changes in routine. It is helpful to keep dismissal changes to an absolute minimum. All transportation changes MUST be made prior to 2:00 p.m. (1:00 p.m. on Wednesdays).

Early Checkouts

Although parents are expected to have their students in attendance for the entire school day, circumstances sometimes dictate checking a student out of school early. Lake Mary Elementary policy states that students MAY NOT BE CHECKED OUT AFTER 2:30 PM on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Students MAY NOT BE CHECKED OUT AFTER 1:30 PM on Wednesday. Please be prepared to show a photo ID when signing out your student early. We ask that you please plan appointments accordingly. Based on the early check-out time, your child may be dismissed without his/her backpack.

Rainy Day Dismissal

Occasionally, LME will need to follow 'Rainy Day' dismissal procedures. These procedures will be initiated during the threat or presence of severe weather, including thunder or lightning in the area. Parents will be notified of a 'Rainy Day' dismissal approximately 30 minutes prior to dismissal. Please understand, Florida weather is very unpredictable. It is our goal to provide the safest and quickest dismissal for our students. However, 'Rainy Day' dismissal does take longer than traditional dismissal procedures.

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