PARENT TEACHER ASSOCIATION (PTA) - Functions as a means of communicating between home and school, sponsors educational programs related to school, and organizes fundraising for purchase of unbudgeted extras for our school. Included within PTA is the Room Representatives program which provides parents to assist with classroom activities such as parties, field trips, and other PTA sponsored functions.
We encourage you to join 'your' PTA.
Click here to print out the PTA Check Request and Deposit Form.
LME PTA board for the 2024-2025 school year:
President- Yesenia Mendoza Quezada
VP membership- Carly Moore
VP cultural arts- Nicole Aglietti-Forzani
Secretary- Ashley Deckers
Treasurer- Cathy Worden
If you would like to volunteer for an open position or for a position next year, email [email protected] or [email protected].
Lake Mary Elementary PTA Social Media
Find LME PTA on Facebook (Lake Mary Elementary PTA)! They’ve created a positive and helpful environment to stay connected with other LME parents, stay informed of upcoming events or ask questions.