Bullying Prevention

Lake Mary Elementary Is A Bully Free Zone

This campus is 100% against bullying. Call 800-423-TIPSIt is the policy of the Seminole County School Board that all of its students, volunteers, and school district level employees have an educational setting that is safe, secure and free from harassment and bullying of any kind. The School Board will not tolerate bullying and harassment of any type. Conduct that constitutes bullying and harassment, as defined herein, is prohibited.

SCPS applies a proactive approach to Bully Prevention, involving all members of a school community. Administrators, faculty, staff, bus drivers, parents, and students play a critical role in creating an atmosphere conducive to academic success, for all students. Programs, Initiatives, and Procedures collectively provide a comprehensive school plan. Schools that utilize this approach in its entirety will experience the highest percentage of a positive school climate. Support for this policy yearly is provided via:

  • Administrator and staff training
  • District Wide Policies
  • School wide and classroom prevention lessons
  • Awareness activities through initiatives
  • Parent and Community Involvement
  • Community Partnerships

Bullying/Harassment is an unwanted and repeated written, verbal or physical behavior that is severe or pervasive enough to:

  • create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational environment
  • cause discomfort or humiliation
  • unreasonably interfere with the individual’s school performance or participation

Speakout Hotline

Confidential Phone Number: 800-226-7733
Report Bullying Online Anonymously

If Someone is Being Bullied

  • Refuse to join in if you see someone being bullied. Try to resist pressure to join in.
  • Attempt to defuse bullying situations when you see them starting up. Try to draw attention away from the targeted person; however, never place yourself at risk.
  • If you can do so without risk to your own safety, get a teacher, parent, or other responsible adult to come help immediately.
  • Speak up and/or offer support to bullied peers when you witness bullying.  If you cannot do this at the time, privately support those being hurt with words of kindness or condolence later.
  • Encourage the bullied peer to talk with parents or a trusted adult.

For additional information and links, visit the SCPS Bullying Prevention site.

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