
Morning Arrival

Student supervision & breakfast begins at 8:05 a.m.

Bus Riders

It is recommended that bus students arrive at their designated bus stop 15 minutes prior to the scheduled pick-up time. Please understand that although the bus stops are designated by SCPS, we do NOT provide supervision at these locations.

All car riders MUST come through the main entrance located off of West Lake Mary Blvd. Refrain from using your cell phone or other electronic devices when in the car line. Please follow the traffic lanes and use an alternating merge pattern. When approaching the drop off area, please pull all the way forward, come to a complete stop and have your child exit the vehicle on the passenger side. There are staff members present to assist students as needed. Your cooperation helps create a safer and more expeditious arrival process.

Students may NOT be dropped off in the front office parking lot or bus ramp. This will significantly lessen the amount of foot congestion on campus.


Students that walk to school should have a designated route practiced prior to the school year starting. Additionally, students should always use the designated cross-walks with crossing guards present. When crossing West Lake Mary Blvd, all pedestrians MUST use the pedestrian bridge; crossing at the light limits the supervision of our crossing guard.

Tardy Students

Tardy students are a concern as they greatly impact the instructional time of all students. Please make every effort to arrive on time in order to ensure safety and security of all of our students. When tardy, we request you personally sign your children in at the front office. Tardy students will not be permitted to be dropped off in an area where they may be alone and unsupervised. It is imperative that cars are parked in designated parking spots rather than leaving them unattended at the curb. Cars are not permitted to park in the fire lane in front of the Front Office.

ESE & VPK Car Riders

Beginning in the 2022-2023 school year, all ESE and VPK students will now arrive and dismiss in the CAR LINE AREA. Teachers and designated staff will meet students in the morning and dismiss in the afternoon from this area.

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